There is plenty of space for free car parking on site. No traffic wardens, no yellow box cameras, no Congestion Charge – just unload, park your car, and forget about it as you concentrate on your session. No alarms every four hours to feed the meter. No keeping one eye on the street as you load in and out.
How nice is that?
Access for splitters is no problem, and you can load directly from our garage into the studios so you don’t even have to get wet if it’s raining. We have 16A shore power for splitters.
Truck access is fine too, so long as you follow the correct route. You can find a map showing this on our “how to find us” page, or get in touch and we’ll send it to you directly.
Double decker tourbuses are welcome and we have three phase 32A shore power for them. We’d ask for a little notice for these and big trucks, and may ask your driver to park 2 minutes away in a nearby industrial estate if they need to park up for prolonged periods of time out of respect to our neighbours.
There’s even a battery jumper on site should you go off on tour and come back to a flat battery. because we’ve all been there and that’s the last thing you need!